Trangia Multi Fuel X2 Burner inc bottle and pump

Trangia - the natural choice for outdoor people (Trangia 750001)

Trangia Multi Fuel X2 Burner inc bottle and pump
Preview Trangia Multi Fuel X2 Burner inc bottle and pump

Trangia Multi Fuel X2 Burner inc bottle and pump

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Trangia 750001
A smart way to convert your Trangia methylated spirit/alcohol stove to a multi-fuel burner.

It easily fits into Trangia storm cookers. Simple and stable, burns unleaded petrol, kerosene (paraffin), white gasoline, diesel fuels, jet aviation fuel, auto fuel and rapeseed fuel.

Particularly suitable to more extreme conditions, such as low temperatures.

Set includes 600ml fuel bottle, pump, magic combi tool and bag. Storm cooker not included.

Brand / code: Trangia 750001

Weight: 525g

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