RECTA Officer Global System Compass

RECTA Compasses (RECTA DP6G)

RECTA Officer Global System Compass
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RECTA Officer Global System Compass

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Recta DP compasses are the original versions of the Swiss army compasses. Tough and protected by a highly resistant Noryl case, it features a centimetre scale and provides a sighting line of 11 cm when opened. Hand bearing and mirror sightings are both possible, with mirror sighting with a accuracy of 1 degree. Compass needle rotates on a sapphire bearing immersed in antistatic fluid. Global system allows for accurate use in both northern and southern hemispheres. Further information is available on the (Recta) website.

DP6 universal army officer compass with adjustable declination correction scale, clinometer for lateral and longitudinal measurements of inclines, luminous markings, side scale in centimetres. Conversion table on the rear of mirror and graduation 360°.

Brand / code: RECTA DP6G

Approximate dimensions: 7 x 5 x 2 cm closed

Weight: 55g

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